Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Social Enterprise Business Idea - 2077 Words

Introduction A social enterprise refers to a business organization that is motivated by the purpose of promoting social wellbeing (Park Wilding, 2013, p. 237). Such an enterprise reinvests its profits in providing services that are beneficial to members of the society. Instead of depending on donations, social enterprises engage in business activities for the purpose of sustainably supporting socially and economically beneficial activities (Mswaka Aluko, 2015, p. 58). Social enterprises seek to contribute towards positive change in the society through the introduction and implementation of innovative solutions to challenges or problems that affect a specific segment or population within the society (Brown Knudsen, 2015, p. 182). In this paper, a social enterprise idea is presented with a goal of demonstrating that its positive contribution towards desired change in the society makes the business worthy investing in. Social Enterprise Business Idea The proposed social enterprise business idea is the supply of organic food products to rehab facilities in London. The purpose of the social enterprise is to promote positive and healthy lifestyles among individuals who are undergoing rehabilitation from various behavioral and psychological problems, such as food addition and drug abuse. The enterprise will mainly supply vegetables and fruits that are sourced from local farmers. In this sense, the business will support local farmers while contributing to positive healthShow MoreRelatedGlobal E-Business: How Businesses Use Information Systems1192 Words   |  5 PagesLAUDON CHAPTER 2 CASE 2 GLOBAL E-BUSINESS: HOW BUSINESSES USE INFORMATION SYSTEMS Salesforce.com: The Emerging Social Enterprise (a) The Comcast Social Enterprise Story; L= 2:50 VIDEO CASE Systems URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFOyKnu8INY; L=2:50. (b) Social Enterprise: Transforming the Firm; L=8:29 VIDEO CASE URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxC0X7ypaDQfeature=relmfu continued Chapter 2, Case 2 salesforCe.Com: the emerging soCial enterprise 2 SUMMARY Salesforce.com is the leadingRead MoreWhat issues and challenges is the use of social network monitoring supposed to solve or address at Salesforce.com?1065 Words   |  5 PagesSocial enterprise seeks to change three dimensions of firms: involvement, transparency, and velocity of change. The idea is to use social networking platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, as well as blogs, collaboration environments, and YouTube, to tighten the communication links among consumers, employees, and suppliers and thereby increase their emotional involvement in the firm and the creation of value. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

A Brief Note On Gay Marriage And Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage Emmberle Finley University of Alabama at Birmingham Overview on Gay Marriage Homosexual is defined as a sexual attraction between two people of the same sex. People hear the word homosexual when a topic about two people of the same gender being sexually attracted to one another. People usually relate to gay women as lesbians or bisexual. Bisexual means to like the same sex gender just as much as the opposite. If a person is bisexual then they date both men and women. A woman that label herself as a lesbian only date women. In today’s society people think they can if someone is a homosexual or not. In reality nobody can label someone gay unless the person says they are a homosexual. Identifying a homosexual may seem easy to do although it is not. Homosexuals come in different races, ages, and religions. Heterosexual is defines as a person who is attracted to the opposite sex. Homosexual and heterosexuals both are attracted to a specific gender. If someone places a heterosexual by a homosexual then it is a possibility that it may be difficult to label them correctly. Some homosexuals and heterosexuals have all the same characteristics, but they like different things. People may wonder how to identify a homosexual from a heterosexual. Honestly, the best way to figure out if someone is a homosexual or heterosexual is if the person voluntarily tells their sexual preference. Homosexuals are normal humans that should not be judged off their sexualShow MoreRelatedCritique Of The Gay Marriage Is Good For America1445 Words   |  6 PagesCritique of Sullivan’s â€Å"Why Gay Marriage is Good for America† Debates about gay marriage continue to simmer within American public discourse, though much of the more heated rhetoric has calmed since the earliest efforts to legalize same-sex marriage succeeded in numerous states. These debates have spanned many topics, ranging from religion to politics and beyond. Andrew Sullivan, a prominent gay and self-described conservative political commentator, addressed one angle of the issue in his July 19Read MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal in All States1632 Words   |  7 Pagesbeen Gay Marriage. Whether same-sex couples should be given the right to marry or even if same-sex couples should be given rights at all, this has been a contentious discussion which creates division and disunity throughout the country. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage. Gay marriage has been legalized in 17 states. But only 19 of 194 countries allow for gay marriage. 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This essay summarize whether homosexuality and same sex marriage is still considered as a taboo or not. Taboo is any human behaviour that is normal for him/her but may not be for other. Hence, we could recognise taboo only at the time when we encounter other opposing our behaviour. Every society differs in its point of view regarding any sort of Taboo-defying behaviour. Hence homosexuality and same sex marriage is hotly debated

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fieldwork Free Essays

string(166) " has led to very poor performance among children since the children who suffer from it tend to spend too much time in thinking about their problems than in learning\." NYC is one of the areas in US with the highest concentration of schools. These schools range from kindergarten schools to even higher level. This has presented unprecedented challenges to school managers and especially classroom teachers. We will write a custom essay sample on Fieldwork or any similar topic only for you Order Now Teachers play a very important role of imparting of knowledge into the children so that they can change their entry behaviour by the time they come out of the learning process. A lot of incidents occur in the process of learning between the teacher and the children or amongst the children. These incidents are inevitable as conflicts are part and parcel of the learning process. The classroom setting brings together children from different backgrounds. In the NYC area, some of the challenges facing the children especially from the pre-K level to the second grade level include delinquency, a significantly high drop out rate, environmental as well as peer pressure as well as challenges in socializing and obeying to the set school rules and regulations. These children are in a very low level of development and most of them feel that a school is just a place of passing time, chatting and playing. It is the way the teacher manages these incidents when they are manifested in the classroom that enables the children to experience a conducive learning environment, develop self-competence as well as self-esteem and be able to improve in academic performance. According to Edmondson D. (1999), there have been quite a lot of critical incidents that have been observed between the teacher and children and amongst children in the NYC learning institutions. For instance, in a classroom setting, many teachers have been burdened with the problem of most of most children fighting one another due to minor differences among them such as being denied to join in a play. This fighting among the children has distracted the learning environment and even affected the emotional and psychological well-being of the children. These effects consequently have resulted to poor academic performance among the children, something that has affected their learning motivation and led to loss of interest in learning. Most students through this turn out to be joy riders in the class and this has also led to loss of morale in teaching on the part of the teacher. it is therefore very important that the teachers chips in to address this problem. The teacher should seek to establish a conducive learning environment by inculcating good social skills into the children and teaching them the need to respect one another. For quality and improved academic performance, this incident needs to be addressed and controlled in future.   Proper and strict ways should be put in place and highly practiced on the children who have this behaviour. Behaviour modification techniques such as use of a token should be reviewed and practised by the teacher in order to discourage this incident.   Although Slavin, (1978) notes that, punishment is one of the best deterrents for bad behavior, this is disputed by, Astin (1985) who notes that, there is enough evidence to conclude that, punishment can have negative effects for classroom teachers.   Hence punishing the misbehaved children should be exercised with caution. There are incidents like overlooking of the needs of all children that have occurred between the teacher and the children.   Most teachers for instance in classroom situation tend to treat all the children as having similar needs and similar levels of understanding.   This has had a very negative impact on the academic performance of most children. The children who are slow in learning and also those who have special problems like hearing difficulties have always lagged behind as far as ranking in academics is concerned. To curb this problem in future, the teacher should understand and clearly define the problems that each child faces in learning.   This way, better approaches of teaching the slow learners and those with special needs like hearing problems, blind children will be applied.   Use of tutorial classes and giving remedial work to learners who learn slowly will be of great use in solving this problem.   Building of different learning institutions and providing adequate learning materials and resources for the exceptional children should be practiced.   Braille and the relevant learning resources as well as materials should be provided to the children who are blind. However, teachers have had critical incidents with children whereby they have encountered very bright, clever and talented children.   These incidents and many others which have become rampant in the NYC area have helped the classroom teacher to be able to come up with ways in which these children should be encouraged so that they do not get disinterested in the learning process. These children can be said to be exceptional and also require special concern so that they continue participating in learning process. To manage this situation in future, teachers should also employ other techniques like giving challenging tasks but those which are within the ability of the clever children, encouraging the children to read ahead of where the teacher reaches in class as well as helping them to set realistic goals. They should also be given responsibilities such as class room monitors so that they continue perfecting their leadership skills and be engaged in fruitful activities Critical incidents like stress have also arised between teachers and the children.   A teacher in a classroom situation has been able to encounter children who have stress.   Stress among children arises from family backgrounds and academic performance (Slavin, 1978).   Those children who come from poor families have been observed to be the mostly affected by stress due to financial constraints in the family set-up, something that have widely resulted to hardships in paying fees, unlike those children from stable families who have everything at their disposal, right from in time payment of fees to other secondary needs. Continued failure in academics as well as poor reinforcement from the part of the teacher also result to stress among children.   Stress has led to very poor performance among children since the children who suffer from it tend to spend too much time in thinking about their problems than in learning. You read "Fieldwork" in category "Essay examples"   Teachers have tried to control stress among the students in many ways. Many more ways should however be put forward in an effort to fight stress among the students.   Such ways like guidance and counselling of the students suffering from stress, organizing for sources of funds so as to facilitate their education as well as encouraging them should be emphasized in order to achieve positive results from these children. In addition, the parents of these children have been involved to encourage the children in learning   through trying to groom them and advice the accordingly.   According to, Astin (1985) use of reinforcements and rewards are among the most important ways that can be used to improve performance among children.   The stressed children should always be positively reinforced and rewarded every time they make a positive improvement of their situation. Another critical incident between a teacher and the children is the realization that children have different talents.   Teachers have been able to meet children who are very talented in sports and athletics.   This incident has helped these children a lot since teachers have had an opportunity to help them broaden and practice their talents to the best of their ability. They have been able to do   this by organizing for physical education beaks and allowing the children to engage in playing different games. This has enriched learning process since cu-curricular activities are also part of learning especially where socialization is encouraged. Children also during interaction with one another have had several critical incidents.   The realization by children that some of their colleagues shine in academics only through hard work but not because they are geniuses has created an atmosphere of hard work among the children fraternity. In the process of working hard so as to attain the level that their colleagues are enjoying, they have improved their performance and consequently the entire performance of the schools has improved. The slow learners have been able to seek for assistance from the teacher until they understand fully the concepts for example how to perform addition and multiplication in mathematics. This attitude should be more encouraged in future and rewarding of the best children be sustained in order to create a competing atmosphere. There are incidents among the children whereby they have come to realise that some students are being favoured by the teachers.   This has really suppressed the morale of the other children since they have believed that no matter how hard they try, they will never shine. Favouritism has been practised through marking assignments and in reinforcing the children. This behaviour of teachers favouring some children should in future be discouraged because it leads to discouragement on children who are not experiencing the favours, and later translate to poor academic performance. Moreover, there have been critical incidents whereby teachers have realized that some children can become good leaders.   This has been helped by the evident leadership skills that these children portray at their early age. Through identifying these children, teachers have been able to help the children through providing enough guidelines and encouraging them to maintain as well as improve their qualities. This has really been an opportunity for the children to succeed, improving their self-esteem and acquiring much confidence to pursue the education.  Ã‚   In future, more encouragement should be given to these children and leadership posts be awarded to them in the school so as to perfect their skills. In addition, there are things that have happened such as children stealing from each other and this has really demoralised most children. Children who take to this behaviour tend to grow up practising it even to their higher educational levels. The teacher should put into place the necessary disciplinary measures so that this stealing behaviour can be modified. This contributes to a better learning environment and consequently to a improved academic performance. Critical incidents have also occurred among the children whereby they have been able to realize that some of them are quite anti-social and cannot even work in groups.   Group work is one of the most effective ways of learning (Joyce, Weil, 1986).   It is through group work that children learn new ideas as well as develop confidence and social skills.   Children who engage in group work and participate fully tend to broaden their views and acquire diverse thinking ways.   They stand a good chance of improving in their academic performance unlike those children who are anti social and defect from group work. In future, group work should be highly encouraged among the children and means of motivation the groups devised.   This will see to it that performance among the children is improved. Conclusion All education stakeholders in the NYC area need to join hands in order to handle the numerous challenges facing the sector. There is a need to create learning environmental that is ample enough to allow an interaction between the teachers and the children.   The numerous incidents that the teacher encounters should serve to formulate clear policies to govern the learning process. This in turn will lead to a better learning environment.   Finally all children-children incidents, needs to be solved by applying the necessary psychological theories in order to create a conducive learning environment. REFERENCES Astin, A. W. (1985). Achieving educational excellence: A critical assessment of priorities and practices in higher education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Dover. Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological Safety and Learning Behaviour in Work Teams. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44, 350-383. Slavin, R. (1978). Student teams and achievement divisions. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 12. Joyce, B., Weil, M. (1986). Models of teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Anderson, J. A. (1998). Cognitive styles and multicultural populations. Journal of Teacher Education. 39. Wlodkowski, R., Ginsberg, M. (2003). Diversity and motivation: Culturally responsive teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. How to cite Fieldwork, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

monkey Essay Example For Students

monkey Essay KrZyAzNnBoI: i understandDevilsInMePants: + my lil bro needs to help me w/it DevilsInMePants: i might brack itKrZyAzNnBoI: ooKrZyAzNnBoI: ic icDevilsInMePants: and hes doin somethin eles rightDevilsInMePants: ill c if hell come help me DevilsInMePants: and ill good find a ok picDevilsInMePants: but ill b all dressed up and stuffDevilsInMePants: so brbKrZyAzNnBoI: kDevilsInMePants: hiDevilsInMePants: this is Jesse broKrZyAzNnBoI: supDevilsInMePants: Jessi will b back she is lookin 4 a picKrZyAzNnBoI: koolzKrZyAzNnBoI: 8 36KrZyAzNnBoI: oopsKrZyKrZyAzNnBoI: wrong boxDevilsInMePants: okDevilsInMePants: okok me bavkDevilsInMePants: backKrZyAzNnBoI: koolKrZyAzNnBoI: got a pic yetz?DevilsInMePants: yaya KrZyAzNnBoI: koolhow monkeys live on a fram. DevilsInMePants: backKrZyAzNnBoI: koolKrZyAzNnBoI: got a pic yetz?DevilsInMePants: yaya KrZyAzNnBoI: koolDevilsInMePants: there was a gurl in the pic w/ me but i cut her out KrZyAzNnBoI: oKrZyAzNnBoI: okiesKrZyAzNnBoI: just sne dme the nice picDev ilsInMePants: my bro is fuckin around w/ the pic nowKrZyAzNnBoI: damnDevilsInMePants: + we have to put it onto a disk KrZyAzNnBoI: oKrZyAzNnBoI: but u can just save t on ur compKrZyAzNnBoI: and then delete it after u send it to meDevilsInMePants: no because we have the scaner on a diff computerKrZyAzNnBoI: oKrZyAzNnBoI: my badzDevilsInMePants: its ok u didnt knoKrZyAzNnBoI: aitezzzDevilsInMePants: im scaredKrZyAzNnBoI: y?DevilsInMePants: because DevilsInMePants: i a shy preson KrZyAzNnBoI: y u shy for?DevilsInMePants: i dont think will like my pic KrZyAzNnBoI: y notzKrZyAzNnBoI: i havent even seen it yetzKrZyAzNnBoI: and u already think i be that judgmentalDevilsInMePants: i knoDevilsInMePants: butKrZyAzNnBoI: ?DevilsInMePants: no i dont think u r judgmental it just thatDevilsInMePants: i kno u havent seen it yet that is wat i was talkin aboutDevilsInMePants: 1 min. KrZyAzNnBoI: okDevilsInMePants: His is James do you have paint for the computerKrZyAzNnBoI: huhDevilsInopen the file u saved ur pic onDevilsInMePants: MePants: the preogam!! fram are bad just ;like sexy peopleframs are not the best place for monkeys to live but hey. well they are frist shipt in a crat to were ever there going to the when they get there they are put in a habitat tahat looks like there originl home. they eat frit and other things like that. they live about 6-10 years on these frams.